Последние события
В личный кабинет
Всего актеров: 37

Чжу Чжин Мо / Joo Jin Mo (1958) / 주진모

Public Security Bureau 1 Public Security Bureau 1

Ли До Гён / Lee Do Kyung / 이도경

Congressman Kim Ha-Soo Congressman Kim Ha-Soo

Сон Сам Дон / Song Sam Dong / 송삼동

Police Officer Kwon Police Officer Kwon

Пак Джин У / Park Jin Woo (1973) / 박진우

Police Officer 1 on Deul Island Police Officer 1 on Deul Island

Ян Хи Мён / Yang Hee Myoung / 양희명

Police Officer 2 on Deul Island Police Officer 2 on Deul Island

Пак Вон Сан / Park Won Sang / 박원상

Attorney Yoon Sung Joo Attorney Yoon Sung Joo

Ким Чжон Гу / Kim Jong Goo / 김종구

old police officer old police officer

Ра Ми Ран / Ra Mi Ran / 라미란

Ra Mi Ran (national pension corp. employee) Ra Mi Ran (national pension corp. employee)

/ Ли Дэ Юн / Lee Dae Yeon / 이대연 / Lee Dae Yun (Lee Dae Yeon)

Public Security Bureau High Ranking Official Public Security Bureau High Ranking Official

Ким Чжа Ён / Kim Ja Young / 김자영

(female) Principal (female) Principal

Ю Дже Мён / Yoo Jae Myung / 유재명

public security head public security head

Пак Сан Гю / Park Sang Gyu / 박상규

member of provincial assembly member of provincial assembly

Сон До Хён / Sung Do Hyun / 성도현

Kim Ha-Soo's bodyguard 1 Kim Ha-Soo's bodyguard 1

Ким Хё Джун / Kim Hyo Joon / 김효준

[Kim Ha Soo's secretary] [Kim Ha Soo's secretary]