Актеры дорамы Черная семья / Black Familia / ブラックファミリア / Black Familia - Азияпоиск - Дорамы, фильмы и музыка Азии
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Всего актеров: 43

Яманака Такаши / Yamanaka Takashi (1978) / 山中崇 (やまなか たかし)

Shindo Kosuke (Kazuha's husband) Shindo Kosuke (Kazuha's husband)

Морисаки Вин / Morisaki Win / 森崎ウィン (もりさき ウィン)

Igarashi Yuma (Kazuha's younger brother) Igarashi Yuma (Kazuha's younger brother)

Ватанабе Риса / Watanabe Risa / 渡邉理佐

Shindo Sana (Kazuha's elder daughter / Reporter) Shindo Sana (Kazuha's elder daughter / Reporter)

Юна (2004) / Yuna (2004) / ゆなたこ

Shindo Riria (Kazuha's younger daughter / High school student) Shindo Riria (Kazuha's younger daughter / High school student)

Хираяма Юске / Hirayama Yusuke / 平山祐介

Saotome Akio (Saotome Holdings' president) Saotome Akio (Saotome Holdings' president)

Цуцуй Марико / Tsutsui Mariko / 筒井真理子 (つつい まりこ)

Saotome Remi (Akio's wife) Saotome Remi (Akio's wife)

Шионо Акихиса / Shiono Akihisa / 塩野瑛久 (しおの あきひさ)

Saotome Rintaro (Akio's son / House of Representatives member) Saotome Rintaro (Akio's son / House of Representatives member)