Актеры фильмы Стальной дождь 2: Саммит / Steel Rain 2: Summit / 강철비2: 정상회담 / Gangchulbi 2: Jungsanghwedam - Азияпоиск - Дорамы, фильмы и музыка Азии
Последние события
В личный кабинет
Всего актеров: 52

Чжон Ун Чжон / Jeon Woon Jong / 전운종

[Soldier #2 on the Baekdu] [Soldier #2 on the Baekdu]

Чхве Вон / Choi Won / 최원

[Chief engineer of the Baekdu] [Chief engineer of the Baekdu]

Ли Сын Чхан / Lee Seung Chan / 이승찬

[Helmsman on the Baekdu] [Helmsman on the Baekdu]

Чхве Мин Чхоль / Choi Min Chul / 최민철

[General Guards officer #2] [General Guards officer #2]

Ли Su Рюn / Lee Su Ryeon / 이수련

[Head of security team #1] [Head of security team #1]

Го Юн / Go Yoon / 고윤 / Go Yoon (Ko Yun)

Chief Han of the Presidential Protocol Chief Han of the Presidential Protocol

Эми Алеха / Amy Aleha / 에이미 알리야

US reporter Jennifer US reporter Jennifer
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