Последние события
В личный кабинет
Всего актеров: 31

Син Чжон Гын / Shin Jung Geun / 신정근

Det. Squad Chief Det. Squad Chief

Хо Чжон Ын / Heo Jung Eun / 허정은

Min A (Ko Gun Soo's daughter) Min A (Ko Gun Soo's daughter)

/ Син Дон Ми / Shin Dong Mi / 신동미 / Shin Dong Mi

Ko Gun Soo's younger sister Ko Gun Soo's younger sister

Ким Кан Хён / Kim Kang Hyun / 김강현 / Gim Gang Hyeon

Young Chul (brother in law) Young Chul (brother in law)

Пак Бо Гом / Park Bo Gum / 박보검

Police Officer Lee Police Officer Lee

Чжо Ха Сок / Jo Ha Suk / 조하석

Lee Kwang Min (man hit by car) Lee Kwang Min (man hit by car)

Ким Сын Хун / Kim Seung Hoon / 김승훈

Chang Min (taxi driver) Chang Min (taxi driver)

Чхве Ын Сок / Choi Eun Suk / 최은석

host of bomb demonstration at police station host of bomb demonstration at police station

/ Ким Гён Бом / Kim Kyung Bum / 김경범 / Kim Kyung Bum (Gim Gyeong Beom)

senior police officer at drunk driving checkpoint senior police officer at drunk driving checkpoint

/ Ли Хи Сок / Lee Hee Suk / 이희석

cabinet inspection team member cabinet inspection team member

Чжон У Хёк / Jeong Woo Hyeok / 정우혁

security guard at funeral home security guard at funeral home

/ Пэк Гван Ду / Baek Gwang Doo / 백광두

interrogation room secretary interrogation room secretary

Со Хён У / Seo Hyun Woo / 서현우

Oh Ham-Ma (inspection team) Oh Ham-Ma (inspection team)

Пэ Ю Рам / Bae Yoo Ram / 배유람

Bae Yoo-Ram - conscripted policeman Bae Yoo-Ram - conscripted policeman

Пак Чжон Хван / Park Jong Hwan / 백종환

employee on the rooftop of pig safe employee on the rooftop of pig safe

Ким Чжон У / Kim Jung Woo / 김정우

funeral home security guard funeral home security guard

Чан Нам Бу / Jang Nam Boo / 장남부

President Choi President Choi

Ким Гон Хо / Kim Gun Ho / 김건호

[Funeral service company employee] [Funeral service company employee]

Ли Чан Ю / Lee Jang Yoo / 이장유

[Funeral Home caretaker] [Funeral Home caretaker]