Актеры дорамы Алиса в Пограничье 2 / Alice in Borderland 2 / Imawa no Kuni no Alice 2 / 今際の国のアリス 2 - Азияпоиск - Дорамы, фильмы и музыка Азии
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Всего актеров: 100

Ёшиока Акико / Yoshioka Akiko / 吉岡あきこ

Yamaguchi Eiko [Player in the game "Jack of Hearts"] (Ep. 3) Yamaguchi Eiko [Player in the game "Jack of Hearts"] (Ep. 3)

Хашиба Шиори / Hashiba Shiori / 羽柴志織

Furuta Shinobu [Player in the game "Jack of Hearts"] (Ep. 3) Furuta Shinobu [Player in the game "Jack of Hearts"] (Ep. 3)

Коджима Юенчи / Kojima Yuenchi / 小島遊園地

Kaneko Motohiko [Player in the game "Jack of Hearts"] (Ep. 3) Kaneko Motohiko [Player in the game "Jack of Hearts"] (Ep. 3)

Гамоу Джуничи / Gamou Junichi / 蒲生純一

Tomita Hiroshi [Player in the game "Jack of Hearts"] (Ep. 3) Tomita Hiroshi [Player in the game "Jack of Hearts"] (Ep. 3)

Адачи Маю / Adachi Mayu / 安達真由

Takeda Mika [Player in the game "Jack of Hearts"] (Ep. 3) Takeda Mika [Player in the game "Jack of Hearts"] (Ep. 3)

Ямада Хидехико / Yamada Hidehiko / 山田英彦

[Player in the game "Jack of Hearts"] (Ep. 3) [Player in the game "Jack of Hearts"] (Ep. 3)

Кано Шохей / Kano Shohei / 鹿野祥平

Kato [Tatta Kodai's senior at work] (Ep. 3) Kato [Tatta Kodai's senior at work] (Ep. 3)

Такахаши Нао / Takahashi Nao / 高橋侃

[Tatta's workshop friend ] (Ep. 3) [Tatta's workshop friend ] (Ep. 3)
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