Последние события
В личный кабинет
Всего актеров: 26

Ли Сын Ги / Lee Seung Ki / 이승기

Lee Jae Ha (30) Lee Jae Ha (30)

/ Юн Чже Мун / Yoon Je Moon / 윤제문 / Yoon Je Moon

Kim Bong Goo / John Mayer Kim Bong Goo / John Mayer

Ли До Гён / Lee Do Kyung / 이도경

Kim Nam Il (Hang Ah's father) Kim Nam Il (Hang Ah's father)

Ли Си Ун / Lee Shi Un / 이시언

Hang Ah's first love Hang Ah's first love

Ра Ми Ран / Ra Mi Ran / 라미란

the head of Royal Court the head of Royal Court

/ Чхве Мин / Choi Min (1974) / 최민 / Choi Min

South Korean Instructor South Korean Instructor

Ён Бо Ра / Yeon Bo Ra / 연보라

[North Korean announcer] [North Korean announcer]
Samanda Daniel as Bon Bon
Samanda Daniel as Bon Bon
Случайная дорама