1. |
Номер, который вы набрали / Когда звонит телефон / The Number You Have Dialed / When The Phone Rings (2024) Han [HBC PD] (Ep. 3, 7) |
2. |
Посмотри на меня / Face Me (2024) [CEO] (Ep. 7-8) |
3. |
Романтика дома / Romance in the House (2024) [Alumnus] (Ep. 7) |
4. |
Стиратель плохих воспоминаний / Bad-Memory Eraser (2024) [Commercial film director] (Ep. 8) |
5. |
Пилот / Pilot (2024) [Pannel] |
6. |
Как я, гангстер, в школу пошел / High School Return of a Gangster (2024) [Funeral employee] (Ep. 1) |
7. |
Смелая Ён Су Чжон / The Brave Yong Soo Jung (2024) [Doctor] (Ep. 19) |
8. |
Главный инспектор 1958 / Chief Inspector 1958 (2024) [Victim] (Ep. 8) |
9. |
Сбежавшая семёрка 2: Воскрешение / The Escape of the Seven: Resurrection (2024) [Director] (Ep. 7, 10) |
10. |
Чудесный мир / Wonderful World (2024) [Doctor] (Ep. 13) |
11. |
Свадьба невозможна / Wedding Impossible (2024) [Director] (Ep. 1) |
12. |
Доктор Крах / Доктор в кризисе / Doctor Slump (2024) [JTDC employee] (Ep. 7) |
13. |
Одиночество в Сеуле / Single in Seoul (2023) Kang Wook [Podcast] |
14. |
Силачка Кан Нам Сун / Strong Woman Kang Nam Soon (2023) [Director] (Ep. 3-4) |
15. |
Бандит: Звук ножа / Bandit: The Sound of the Knife (2023) Hashimoto [Vice consul] (Ep. 4) |
16. |
Самостоятельность семьи Хё Сим / Self-Reliance of Hyo-Sim's Family / Live Your Own Life (2023) Heo Tae Bum [Audition Judge] (Ep. 34) |
17. |
Полиция реки Хан / Han River Police (2023) [Businessman] (Ep.3) |
18. |
Увидимся в моей 19-ой жизни / See You in My 19th Life (2023) [MI Hotel chef] (Ep. 1) |
19. |
Ты, кого я встретил случайно / You, Whom I Met By Chance / You My Perfect Stranger (2023) [Record shop employee] (Ep. 15) |
20. |
Доктор Чха Чжон Сук / Doctor Cha Jung Sook (2023) [Doctor] (Ep. 6) |
21. |
Бора! Дебора / Bora! Deborah (2023) [Photographer] (Ep. 11) |
22. |
Приманка Сезон 2 / Decoy Season 2 / Bait Season 2 (2023) CEO Oh (Ep.1) |
23. |
Святой айдол / The Heavenly Idol (2023) [Producer] (Ep.7) |
24. |
Приманка / Bait (2023) CEO Oh (Ep.5) |
25. |
Создание королевы / Queen Maker (Netflix) (2022) [Documentary director] (Ep. 2) |
26. |
Великолепные / The Fabulous (2022) [Photographer] (Ep.8) |
27. |
Понимание любви / Understanding of Love / The Interest of Love (2022) Kim Seong Hun (Ep.1) |
28. |
Бумажный дом 2 / Money Heist: Korea - Joint Economic Area Part 2 (2022) [Berlin's father] (Ep.3) |
29. |
Разблокируй босса / Unlock the Boss (2022) [Audition judge] (Ep.7) |
30. |
Золотая ложка / The Golden Spoon (2022) [DSTV staff] (Ep.9) |
31. |
Любовь по закону / Love According to Law / The Law Cafe (2022) [Chief legal officer] (Ep. 3) |
32. |
Доктор Адвокат / Doctor Lawyer (2022) [Chef] (Ep. 7) |
33. |
Поцелуй шестого чувства / Kiss Sixth Sense (2022) Go Sang Gyu [Ep. 11] |
34. |
С сегодняшнего дня мы / Девственница Ури / From Today We Are / Woori The Virgin (2022) [Photographer] (Ep. 6) |
35. |
Наш блюз / Our Blues (2022) [Sushi restaurant man] (Ep. 15) |
36. |
Военный прокурор Доберман / Military Prosecutor Doberman (2022) ["Law & One Law Firm" job interviewer] (Ep. 1) |
37. |
Призрачный доктор / Ghost Doctor (2022) [Ji Woo's assistant] (Ep. 7) |
38. |
Подснежник / Snowdrop (2021) [Car driver] (Ep. 5) |
39. |
Дядя / Uncle (2021) [Auditioner] (Ep. 11) |
40. |
Гу Гён И / Инспектор Гу / Koo Kyung Yi / Inspector Koo (2021) ['MEK Security' employee] (Ep. 3, 9) |
41. |
Даль Ри и Камджатхан / Далли и дерзкий принц / Dal Ri and Gamjatang / Dali and Cocky Prince (2021) [Investor] (Ep. 3) |
42. |
Одна женщина / One the Woman (2021) [Employee] (Ep. 3) |
43. |
Высший класс / High Class (2021) [Nam Ji-Sun's ex-husband] (Ep. 7) |
44. |
Дом на месяц / Monthly House (2021) [Jasung Real Estate Investment Company employee] (Ep. 1) |
45. |
Проклятая недвижимость / Крутая недвижимость / Sell Your Haunted House / Daebak Real Estate (2021) Lee Kyung Ae (Ep. 2) |
46. |
Привет, это я! / Hello? It's Me! (2021) [CM director] (Ep. 5-6) |
47. |
Мисс Монтекристо / Miss Monte-Cristo (2021) Baek Sung [Lawyer] (Ep. 12-13, 52) |
48. |
Номер любовной сцены / Love Scene Number (2021) {42} [Friend at reunion] |
49. |
Сонбэ, не используйте эту губную помаду / She Would Never Know / Senior, Don't Put on That Lipstick (2021) [Investor] (Ep. 14) |
50. |
Истинная красота / True Beauty (2020) [History teacher] (Ep. 3) |
51. |
Если я изменю, мне конец / If I Cheat, I Die (2020) [Executive] (Ep. 1) |
52. |
До До Соль Соль Ла Ла Соль / Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol (2020) Song Hoon as [Wedding guest] (Ep. 1) |
53. |
Снова 18 / 18 Again (2020) [PD] (Ep. 1, 7) |
54. |
Цветок зла / The Flower of Evil (2020) [Director] (Ep.4, 6) |
55. |
Изящные друзья / Elegant Friends (2020) CF Director |
56. |
Ночной перекус мужчины и женщины / Late Night Snack Man and Woman / Sweet Munchies (2020) [Cameraman] |
57. |
Старомодный интерн / Old School Intern (2020) [Manger of Joonsu Food Sales & Marketing Team] (ep.23-24) |
58. |
Бар на колесах / Ssanggab Cart Bar / Mystic Pop-up Bar (2020) convenience store manager |
59. |
Рождённые вновь / Born Again (2020) [Doctor] (Ep. 17) |
60. |
Король: Правитель вечности / The King: Monarch of Eternity (2020) [Photographer] (Ep. 4) |
61. |
Чудачка и шеф-повар Мун / Eccentric! Chef Moon (2020) [Repoter] (Ep.3) |
62. |
Мир пары / Couple's World (2020) Sang Hyun |
63. |
Мистер Зоопарк / Mr. Zoo: The Missing VIP (2020) [Event Hall MC] |
64. |
Штрих / Touch (2020) [Idol audition program PD] |
65. |
Аварийная посадка любви / Crash Landing on You (2019) [Government official] (Ep. 16) |
66. |
Шоколад (2019) / Chocolate (2019) [boyfriend of Cha Young's mom (ep.16)] |
67. |
Сказка о Нок Ду / The Tale of Nokdu (2019) Drunk nobleman |
68. |
Растопи меня нежно / Melting Me Softly (2019) [Ma Dong-Joo's ex-husband] |
69. |
Добро пожаловать в жизнь / Welcome 2 Life (2019) [Ji Yang Hee’s customer] (Ep22) |
70. |
Большая проблема / Big Issue (2019) [drunk in Prosecutor’s Lobby] (Ep21) |
71. |
Биение сердца - Перезагрузка Сезон 2 / The Sound of Your Heart: Reboot Season 2 (2018) General Manager |
72. |
Ярость / Outbreak / Rampant (2018) [Night ogre] |
73. |
Териус позади меня / Terius Behind Me (2018) [Director Moon’s funeral consultant] |
74. |
Любовь ведьмы / Witch's Love (2018) (2018) |
75. |
Дневник моей матери / Notebook from My Mother (2018) [Real estate agency owner] |
76. |
Детектив К: Тайна кровососущего демона / Detective K: Secret of the Bloodsucking Demon (2018) [Constable] |
77. |
Враги из прошлого / Enemies from the Past (2017) [Restaurant guest] |
78. |
Богини цокольного этажа / Oh! Dear Half-Basement Goddesses (2017) [Errand center boss] |
79. |
Дрянная девчонка / My Sassy Girl (Drama) (2017) [Qing envoy] |
80. |
Государев дневник расследований / The King's Case Note (2017) [Reporter] |
81. |
Плач / Goksung / The Wailing (2016) [Reporter] |
82. |
Герой окрестностей / Neighborhood’s Hero (2016) [Chinese investor] |
83. |
Хроники зла / The Chronicles of Evil / Akui Yeondaegi (2015) [Nat'l Forensic Serv. agent] |
84. |
Только ты, любовь моя / Only You, My Love (2014) [Madriz Kitchen executive] |
85. |
"Изумительный свет" - похоронное бюро для пожилых людей / The Marvelous Sunshine Funeral Home For The Elderly [Drama Festival] (2013) [Combative delivery man] |
86. |
В ожидании любви / Waiting for Love (2013) [Manager stopping fight] |
87. |
Скандал / Scandal: A Shocking and Wrongful Incident (2013) [Suspecting police] |
88. |
История двух сестер / A Tale of Two Sisters (2013) [Security head of department] |
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